Active Living
The importance of regular activity for those who are currently sedentary.
Sedentary Terminology
A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle described as engaging in little or no physical activity. People classified as livi
ng a sedentary lifestyle are often inactive for large periods of the day, activities such as sitting or lying, reading, watching television, the majority of office workers are classified as sedentary due to the prolonged hours spent at desks.
If you are not physically active you may increase your health risks in many ways.
Coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, increase of body fat, little, energy, stiff joints, osteoporosis, poor posture.
Below are examples of how we can improve our overall activity level, and helps illustrate some of the benefits we will reap from making these changes.
Gm-fitness will share with you the benefits of living an active life
Every day energy levels will increase
Your blood pressure will decrease
Your metabolic rate will increase, due to gains in added muscle tissue
Your joints may feel more mobile.
Stress levels and depression may start to improve.
Sleep patterns at night maybe improved
Body fat will be lower.
You will feel a new zest for life.
Increase in overall self-esteem and confidence.
What is classed as being active?
Doing something that gets your whole body moving.
Simple house hold chores such as hovering, polishing or cleaning your ornaments, gardening is a very effective way to keep fit due to lifting digging, bending and potting plants, essentially any activity that raises your heart rate faster getting you slightly out of breath is beneficial to health, examples of this are activates such as dog walking, jogging, power walking exercise programs, gym class, a walk to your local shop are all classed as being active.
Recommendations For Health
Accumulate 150 to 300 minutes (2 ½ to 5 hours) of moderate intensity physical activity
or 75 to 150 minutes (1 ¼ to 2 ½ hours) of vigorous intensity physical activity,
or an equivalent combination of both moderate and vigorous activities, each week.
Doing a little of something is always better than doing nothing.
Walk to work, if work is too far and you use local transport get off a stop earlier and walk the last 20 minutes.
Take a lunch time walk, as little as 30 minutes will lift your mood, combat fatigue, improve productivity and reduce your health risks, a healthy cardio vascular system can help deliver more oxygen to the body and brain, this in turn has positive effects on concentration due to the increase of blood flow.
Arrange daily walks/ runs with people at work, that way you have a commitment.
Minimise long periods of sitting by setting an alarm to remind you to move more.
Join a fitness class.
Take up cycling, cycling to work is great exercise, and you will save money on fuel.
Sign up to a home online exercise program.
Set yourself small achievable goals each week, this maybe some along the lines,
Monday walk to work
Tuesday lunch time walk
Wednesday online home training program
Thursday shopping trip
Friday join a lifting class
Saturday clean the house
Sunday family walk
Become Active today With GM-Fitness.
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