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What Does A Personal Trainer Do?

What is the difference between a coach or fitness trainer?

Are personal trainers different from coaches?


Terminology sometimes used to describe personal trainers: Personal trainers are sometimes referred to as PT, coach, or sometimes a trainer.


What is the difference between a gym instructor and a personal trainer?

Gym instructors usually have a basic understand of the fundamentals of exercise and fitness, for example instructors are qualified to demonstrate and help induct gym goers into they gym in order to show clients safe and effective operation of basic equipment. 


However a gym instructor may not have a deep understanding of human anatomy or scientific knowledge that qualified personal trainers are trained to utilise while helping clients to exercise safely and effectively. Qualified personal trainers have a good understanding of how to safely stimulate muscles and may specialise in a particular field for example a strength coach may have a deeper understanding of how to stimulate your muscles to generate force and power efficiently.  


Gym instructors are not qualified to become personal trainers.


A personal trainer is a highly qualified exercise professional.

The role of personal trainer is to provide expertise in the field of health and fitness and provide clients with a professional safe an individual plan for them to achieve their personal goals. 


Personal trainers hold varying degrees and Knowledge and qualifications, however it is a prerequisite in the United Kingdom for all practising personal trainers to hold a level three training certificate demonstrating their understanding of anatomy and scientific principles lent to exercise .


Personal trainers help their clients achieve their health and fitness goals by applying unique experience, combined with a wealth of knowledge to design individual unique plans with the aim of achieving your goal.


How much is a personal trainer cost? 

The cost of personal training sessions vary from personal trainer personal trainer and varies from location for example the average one to one personal training session is fixed usually by experience, cost of over heads, and demand.   


What is the average cost of a personal training session?

You can expect to pay between £45 and £65 per session in Cardiff for highly experienced personal trainers, however new unexperienced personal trainers may charge less. 


Why are do some personal trainers cost more than others?

Expect prices to be a lot more in areas such as London personal training costs can be upwards of £65 to £220 per session, over heads, continued training and specialist personal trainers such as strength coaches, sports specific, rehabilitation, back care, general practitioner also known as G.P referral are just some of the example of why personal trainers costs vary from personal trainer to trainer.

If you looking for something specific to ask your personal trainer to see how he or she can help.


Should I buy bulk personal training sessions?

Some personal trainers offer packages and discounts for bulk purchase sessions, however never feel obliged to book sessions, only book what appointments you intend to keep,  most good personal trainers would much rather you make it to all your sessions.


A good personal trainer realises that you represent a reflection of their business,  as a personal trainer I can tell you their is no greater feeling knowing that you the client are making progress both physically and emotional.


Can I cancel personal training on the day?

Most professional personal trainers have a 48 hour cancellation policy so its important that you speak with your personal trainer regarding your sessions.



Why you should give 48 hour cancellation notice?

Self employed personal  trainers have limited time and will often select a sensible number of clients to focus their efforts on. Time slots are a premium, personal trainers would rather give our attention to clients who are reliable, the most frustrating time for a personal trainer is time wasted.


Benefits of personal training?

What are the benefits of personal training? There are number of benefits of personal training some of these include.


Employing the guidance of a professional personal trainer can help reducing the risk of injury, the gym can be a intimidation environment for new comers, having a professional to guide you through exercise movements that maybe dangerous if performed incorrect is never a bed investment.


Having a personal trainer how focus on you and your goals enables you to walking to the gym without having to think about planning for your session taking the guess workout of your exercise



The guidance of professional personal trainer will help you in decide on making healthy lifestyle choices, this can include simple changes to your diet, to your lifestyle habits, or simple change to you routine that may vastly improve you're overall wellness.


Investing in a personal trainer who can focus areas that you may have neglected, such as muscle imbalance or weaknesses that you may have missed while training alone.


A professional personal trainer shall enrich you with the knowledge that you are performing efficient movements that will maximise your targeted muscle is properly. 


Personal trainer will help you to maximise results pushing you to a safe an effective limit, most people while training alone, sell them pushed themselves to their maximum, that's why even sports athletes need exercise professionals to help then achieve get maximum results.


Hiring a personal trainer is a great way to make you accountable and ensure you turn up to sessions on time and in the right frame of mind, sometimes getting to the gym is the hardest battle itself, making appointments within personal trainer increase the likelihood are you staying on track.


Personal trainers can provide motivational physical an emotional support as far as support you perform the best of your personal abilities.


Group personal training sessions:

Group personal training sessions provide excellent value, they offer all the benefits of personal training at a fraction of the costs of one-to-one personal training and are usually shares between small groups of people with similar goals.


Find the right personal trainer for you:

With thousands of personal trainers available how do you find the right trainer for you? Talk to the trainer do you think your she suitable for helping you achieve your goals? Check out their credentials, does here she seem legitimate? Check out the testimonials, visit them online have a good reputation? Chat to them directly.


How can I find a personal trainer with the right Attitude:

some personal trainers Will have a different approach to training than others choosing to adopt methods they feel must effective, however various techniques and training methods exist so don't feel disheartened if one style of training is not to your taste.


Don't feel pressured, if he or she is pressuring you or making you feel uncomfortable in a non professional way then there are thousands of professional friendly personal trainers out there for you to try.


What makes a good personal trainer? Having the right attitude can help clients feel at ease, as all personal trainers are human they will have different personalities. Finding a personal trainer with the right personality for you can be a challenge don't feel stuck if you feel your personal trainers personality does not match yours simply find one that does.


Experience some personal trainers are new to the Health and wellness industry while others have years of experience some focus on specialising specific topics or populations. About their experience as this may help towards your goals.


What to expect the first personal training session:

During your first PT session you can expect that you may be asked to perform some basic exercises this is so that your personal trainer all personal trainers can assess your physical readiness for exercise, skill level, and your fitness level. 


Your personal trainer may take measurements including BP your height and weight, as well as other relevant details. 


However this may vary due to goals and personal preferences, some personal trainers feel that the use of some bodyweight doing devices can be quite invasive and unpleasant for some clients.


What to wear and what to bring during personal training session? Where something there's comfortable, breathable, nonslip unsupportive, investing in a decent pair of trainers is usually good idea.


The use of a towel or something to absorb sweat usually advisable, when you are on bottle water yes your fitness facility does not provide drinks to buy.


How long does a personal training session usually last? Personal training session usually lasts for about 45 minutes to one hour, this depends on the intensity and the aim of there session. Speak to your personal trainer advise situation under planned sessions.


Can a personal trainer guarantee results?

Individual results may differ, influencing factors such as age gender and lifestyle how to influence results. On nobody can guarantee the hundred percent certainty are you all achieve the results he set out to achieve a good personal trainer or help you understand how to achieve the results you desire in the most effective efficient manner.


What a difference between online personal training and all personal training?

Is there any difference between online person training and personal training, that's a good question, online personal training seems to be a buzzword at the moment what exactly does on I'm personal training really mean?


On a personal training offers the same benefits as one-to-one personal training, the only real difference is that's clients and the personal trainer our essentially in a virtual environment, certain advantages as well as disadvantages having an online personal trainer posting in the flesh so to speak.


Why use a personal trainer?

The use of an unknown person traitor be very effective in time management, hello personal training can save you a journey to the gym and avoid those horrible traffic jams.


Online personal trainers offer an advantage in the sense they're able to train in the comfort of their own home at the time that is convenient for you.

One disadvantage of online personal training can be inevitable sometimes unavoidable technical issues brought about by third-party influence such as lasts wi-Fi connection all broadband is updates. However this is not usually a major concern within United Kingdom.


What I need for online personal training?

To get the best results out of online person training you'll need a stable Internet connection, a device such as laptop, Internet camera with a good audio connection.


Space that is safe, had an appropriate place to mount for camera or laptop.

A comfortable mat is usually a good investment, some equipment can be useful.


Online personal training is great for those to feel intimidated by the idea of attending a busy gym or people who live all work remotely or value your privacy.

Your time is precious make sure you get the most out of it, whether you are a gym goer or not we here at Gm Fitness have a plan that will suit your needs. 

How to find your perfect personal trainer

Personal Trainers can help you set realistic achievable goals to accelerate you towards successful completion of your goals.  

  • What is a personal trainer


  • What does a personal trainer do


  • How much is a personal trainer cost


  • What are the benefits personal training


  • What is group personal training

  • Find the best personal trainer for you


  • What do you expect from the first personal training sessions


  • Personal Trainer reviews from clients. 


  • How to choose the best personal trainer

  • How to be a personal trainer


  • How to choose a personal good trainer


  • What does a personal training mean


  • How can a personal trainer help me achieve my goals

 Personal training for you and your health goals. 
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